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ZOETROPE  Kimolou 17, Kipseli | 13.05.2022, 20.00 – 22.00 | Admission Free


12 short + 1 feature experimental films of contemporary production, from around the world, are inviting us to an exploration in the subconscious, where dreams recreate the world we live in.

Hidden Island

Dir. Camille Pueyo, France, 2021, 01' 00"

The silhouette of a woman wanders in a ghostly landscape, and crosses the image by hiding from those who seek it – disappearing as a survival technique.


Dir. Mary Trunk, USA, 2021, 08' 00"

The fragmentation of experiencing the sea.

Ultramarine face

Dir. Gabriele Rossi, France, 2021, 02' 00"

On the edge of the sea, someone is sculpting a face in the sand and sinks into its remains.

The Human Child

Dir. Lika Nadir, Ukraine, 2021, 06' 00"

Our life balances between internal freedom and belonging to others. The inner measure of truth never lies, like the human body. Try to live your life so as to penetrate through it the truth for those who will come to this world after you.


Dir. Penelope Papadopoulou, Greece, 2021, 06' 00"

In my dream, I’m sinking. And it is there that spiritual awakenings are born. In this inquisition

the body transfers, and the mind blurs.


Eve Dir. Isabelle Vorle, France, 2021, 13' 00"

Extracted from the showcases of museums Astarte, Eve, the Great Goddess, Aphrodite, all these primordial women reappear in an abstract landscape reality. Music, like water, coats and wraps.


Dir. Esben Persson, Denmark, 2021, 15' 00"

A young man celebrates his birthday while thoughts are multiplying. With an unwilling foot on the accelerator he is heading over the edge.

Another Horizon

Dir. Stephanie M. Barber, USA, 2021, 09' 00"

The horizon, where the sky and the earth meet, is always elsewhere, a promised place where these two elements come together. a metaphor, an orienting, a promise of transition, change, transcendence. a place where the corporeal and spiritual meet, or are cleaved apart.

to the muse

Dir. Yannis Lianos, Greece, 2020, 04' 00"

Did the muse dictate the pages of Hell to Dante? A film visualising the poem of Anna Akhmatova “to the muse”.

Dear Friend

Dir. Luca Sorgato, Italy, 2021, 01' 00"

A man writes a letter to a dear friend.

 Fantastic mr. Tulip

Dir. Orest Smilianets, Ukraine , 2021, 03'00"

The extraordinary explorations of a tulip. 


Dir. OIsmael Aveleira Escapa, Marina Diez González, Spain, 2021, 04' 00"

Muria seeks a permanent moment within the cycles of life. A dream that is born with the self-awareness of the human being and that does not stop with the invention of writing. In Muria the limit of interpretation is at the same time its condition. The illusion of the moving image transforms a funeral rite into an invocation of fertility.


Dir. Damián Mastroleo, Argentina, 2021, 04' 00"

Sometimes the interpretation of a dream has the simplest of meanings.

Autumnal Sleeps

Dir. Michael Higgins, Ireland, 2019, 70’ 00"

In a remote rural estate house, a woman sleeps, she is alone. It’s a time not far from the dawn of the moving image, the obsessed and wealthy Dr. Epstein engineers a number of scientific experiments. He subjects his adopted children, Pete and Re-Pete, along with his darling flapper, Baby Dee, to his various scientific tasks. Things take a decidedly strange turn when Epstein makes a deal with some shifty-looking vagabonds. On doing so he opens a door to the unknown, ruptures the fabric of time and unleashes a shadow-like character bent on reducing all those he encounters to dust.